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pISSN : 1976-3263

군사발전연구 , Vol.15 no.1 (2021)

북한 기층조직인 인민반의 감시통제 요인 분석


(조선대학교 군사학과 초빙객원 교수)

북한은 수령에 의해 지배되는 1인 독재국가로서 주체사상에 바탕을 둔 김일성-김정일주의 를 유일한 지도 사상으로 하여 노동당을 주축으로 한 사회주의 체제를 강화시키면서 3대 세 습체제를 구축한 세계에서 가장 폐쇄된 통제국가이다. 김정은은 경제-핵 병진 노선을 2013년에 내세우면서 국제적 비난에도 불구하고 2017년 까지 총 6차례 핵실험을 하면서 미사일 시험 발사도 112차례 실시하였다. 북한은 36년 만 에 제 7차 당 대회(2016. 5. 6~9일)를 개최하면서 당 규약에 핵보유국을 명시하고 김정 은 자신은 노동당위원장에 추대되고, 6월 29일에는 최고인민회의에서 국가 주권의 최고 정 책적 지도기관인 국무위원회를 신설하고, 김정은을 국무위원장으로 추대함으로써 김정은 시 대의 권력을 완성하는 1인 독재체제를 구축하고 제8차 당대회(2021. 1. 5~12일)를 통하 여 완성하였다. 북한이 김정은 체제로 일사불란하게 유지되는 비결의 하나가 사회통제기제에 의한 사회 및 주민통제와 철저한 감시체계에 있다고 할 수 있다. 또한, 북한은 체제유지를 위해 강력 한 사회통제기구와 조직 생활을 강화하기 위하여 “하나는 전체를 위하여, 전체는 하나를 위하여”라는 시스템을 운용하고 집단주의 원칙하에 단체 조직생활 중심으로 모든 생활이 이루 어지도록 하고 있다. 논문은 북한 주민을 감시 통제하고 있는 사회통제기구 中말단 기층조직인 인민반에 대한 감시통제 요인을 분석하였다. 1장에서는 사회통제의 역할과 “스카치폴의 혁명과 억압기구이 론”을 제시하였고, 2장에서는 사회통제의 역할과 현재 상황이 갖는 함의를, 3장은 북한의 사회통제특징에서는 주민통제와 이동통제를 분석하였고, 4장에서는 북한 주민들을 감시 통 제하는 말단조직인 인민반의 역할과 주민통제에 미치는 영향 분석을 통하여, 결론에서는 현 재 북한이 경제적으로 고난의 행군을 겪고 있으면서 주민들의 불평불만이 내재하고 있는 데 도 사회통제기구의 강력한 작동으로 인하여 주민들을 억압하고 있어서 현 체제가 지속 유지 될 것으로 전망하였다.

Analysis of the factors of surveillance and control of the North Korean Inminban

Hong Jeong Gi

Despite numerous changes in the North Korean social system and economy, the reason why the North Korean system has maintained stability so far is because of the effective operation of the social control system. The North Korean society is strengthening its social control by overlapping and controlling the entire organization and residents like a spider web by forming an organic alliance between the party, the military the government. North Koreans must belong to any organization from birth to death, including daycare centers, boy bands, the Socialist Patriotic Youth League, the Korea Federation of Occupational Workers, and the Women's Alliance. Through the National Social Control Organization, social and labor organizations, North Korea integrates the people's public into party and recipientism, and controls the people through social control mechanisms and organizational life. In particular, the Inminban has been organized with the establishment of a people's government agency shortly after liberation and settled as a place where the daily lives of residents take place. For 70 years, the Inminban has played a sufficient role as an administrative unit to bring about the mobilization of efforts and material support of all residents as a practice organization for domestic revolution and women's revolution. In order to prevent ideological relaxation and agitation of residents due to economic instability, Kim Jeong-un instructs North Koreans to conduct a one-day inspection system, and to implement it, The Inminban leaders are circulating each household every day between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. As such, Kim Jeong Un is further strengthening the mobilization and surveillance of residents by utilizing social control functions to maintain his regime. This means that the Inminban plays a basic role in supporting the North Korean regime, while serving as an important source of change in the regime. North Korea's resident control and surveillance system is not just a pyramidal longitudinal system, but consists of a complex and meticulous organizational structure of mutual monitoring, control, and mutual control of all high-ranking officials and residents. Many experts analyzed that North Korea would soon collapse after the death of Kim Il-sung in 1994, but Kim Jeong-Il overcame the crisis with military-first politics through a march of hardship. Domestic and foreign experts judged that the third hereditary system, in which Kim Jeong-Il died in 2011 and Kim Jeong-Un took over, would end within five years, but From 2012 to 2016 Kim Jeong-Un maintained a regime of terror, including the purges and executions of a total of 340 people, including his uncle Jang Song-Thaek Also, through four nuclear tests including hydrogen bombs and the 112th missile test-fire, he raised the status of Kim Jeong-Un internally and externally through a military-first politics that puts nuclear and missiles at the fore, for 2018 to 2019, in the name of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, 12 summits were held with the leaders of the republic of Korea·the united states·Chia and Russia and the efforts to lift The U.N snactions were unsucessful. Moreover, due to the spread of Covid-19 from China in 2020, North Korea's economy is low due to the border blockade and flood damage between North Korea and China. Considering North Korea's internal and surrounding environment and conditions, it is difficult to improve the quality of life and daily life for the time being, so the Kim Jeong-Un regime will actively activate social control organizations to strengthen strong resident control and surveillance.

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